Affiliate Network in China:
Coupon sites in Chin (二维码):
coupon code
酷鹏网 CPA,购物返点做得比较好
Online payment
Guanyi's 连续2年进入中国B2C 100强, 现在PR=4,在yahoo目录和265.com目录都已经收录
Mobile marketing - notes of Adtech
Mobile campaign:
advantage: direct, flexible regarding time, wide reach, reactive--quick response from consumers(mobile users)
key issues in mobile campaign:
* Process: collect info and prepare for the launch,launch plan, launch, after lunch activities
* Database
* Timing: prepare everything and launch on friday afternoon -- can sales shoots up during weekends
Keep in mind:
*not over communicate with audients: no more than 3 times a day
*keep good relationship with tech providers
(source: presentation by Francois Pierucci from Netsize)
advantage: direct, flexible regarding time, wide reach, reactive--quick response from consumers(mobile users)
key issues in mobile campaign:
* Process: collect info and prepare for the launch,launch plan, launch, after lunch activities
* Database
* Timing: prepare everything and launch on friday afternoon -- can sales shoots up during weekends
Keep in mind:
*not over communicate with audients: no more than 3 times a day
*keep good relationship with tech providers
(source: presentation by Francois Pierucci from Netsize)
Interesting -- What I see on week 39

Wario Land: Shake It Busts Up YouTube
Posted: 26 Sep 2008 08:21 AM PDT
Wow. Whoever came up with this new ad for Wario Land: Shake it deserves a raise and a paid vacation to Cancun or something. They’ve taken a basic concept of the game and managed to make it into creative and effective marketing on a platform where even the most humdrum viral campaigns tend to flourish. Screenshots don’t really do it justice, so be sure to check it out yourself.
24-25 Sep Adtech London Fair
Get to know lots of Affiliate network, SEO/SEM companies, agencies and Mobile marketing companies -- very interesting.
It is also interesting to know many online-media/marketing companies are targeting Asia market, especially China. At the same time, Chinese domestic companies are doing pretty good -- at least they have build realationship and reputation internationally.
Here is the list in Adtech Beijing/Shanghai from 2007 to 2008:
Adtech Beijing:
Accoona China
Accoona's business database ( provides access to more than 40 million unique records on global businesses, one of the largest on the web. In addition, “Money in China” (, launching in September), is an online community for Chinese Business Professionals, which opens up access to wealth for all members.
Adways China Co.,Ltd
www.axillchina.comAxill is one of the fastest growing publisher networks which aggregates the world's most targeted and lucrative web traffic and help advertisers and online marketers utilize and make full potential on the online world. First launched in US and Europe back in 2005 and launch in Asia in 2007, we are committed in helping Asia marketers and local publishers to fully utilize the full potential of Internet media. Axill has mastered the art of Internet Advertising globally with more than 15000 and 3000 advertisers worldwide
Come&Stay Come&Stay is a global leader in email and mobile advertising. Operating in 14 countries, it gives advertisers access to 270 million opt-in email addresses and 37 million opt-in mobile numbers. It provides advertisers with permission-based eMarketing services, for their customer acquisition and retention programs owing to its interactive marketing solutions.
dgm Asia Pac (-- affliate network works ok in Europe, how will it work in China?)
Emporio Asia EmporioAsia is one of China's leading interactive marketing agencies. EmporioAsia helps its clients build their businesses and brands through high impact interactive marketing campaigns. Some of EmporioAsia's clients include Bayer, Jin Jiang Inns, Hyatt, Colgate Palmolive, Thai Airways, Parrot, China Eastern Airlines, Shangri-la, Hilton, InterContinental and Accor. EmporioAsia offers its clients a full range of interactive marketing services from website design to search engine optimization and email marketing. EmporioAsia consists of an International team of creative, design, technology and marketing professionals and is counseled by a high-caliber advisory board. Founded in 1999, EmporioAsia is based in Shanghai, China.
Eyeblaster In 1999, Eyeblaster was among the pioneers in rich media communication. Today, Eyeblaster extends its inventive heritage in digital advertising through Ad Campaign Manager (ACM). ACM enables interactive agencies, advertisers and publishers to manage campaigns across digital media channels, including online, mobile and in-game, and a variety of formats, including rich media, in-stream video, display and search. ACM is a robust, integrated and easy-to-use platform that allows customers to focus on campaign strategy, creativity and media efficiency without having to worry about the technical complexities associated with managing global advertising campaigns online. In 2007, Eyeblaster delivered campaigns for nearly 7,000 brand advertisers serving approximately 2,500 ad agencies across over 2,500 global web publishers in over 40 countries worldwide throughout North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. Learn more at
Madhouse Inc.
Mooter Media China
My Etone
Radica Systems
Search Frontier Ltd Search Frontier, Ltd. is a leading professional Internet marketing company, originated from USA and Hong Kong. It has an international team with unique assortment of technical know-how and search engine industry expertise. Its mission is to provide high performance Internet marketing solutions, including intelligence online branding services, multi-dimensional data analytics system, and etc.
Shanghai Virtual Advertising Co., Ltd Shanghai Virtual can provide a wide range of web promotion services including keyword advertisement, banner advertisement, website production, and system production. Not only are we media buyers, Virtual also provides its customers with professional analysis, SEO, SEM, LPO, and consultation, improving the effectiveness of their web promotion strategies.
SinoTech Media Limited SinoTech Media is an advertising company which helps online advertisers and publishers optimize revenues and maximize campaign effectiveness. We provide interactive marketing services, online advertising technologies and operate a performance based Ad Marketplace. We are uniquely positioned to assist our clients by using proven digital technologies and experienced industry experts. We deliver focused, measurable and effective marketing solutions that provide the critical edge for success in the growing Chinese econom
Teragram Corporation Beijing Office
WebDNA Interactive Solutions
Yahoo China
Zanox de AG
2008 Shanghai
.FOX Networks
Acxiom Corporation
Axill China
Clicksor Inc
DoubleClickexpand busniess in China now? it;s gonna be interesting to see how it works in China according to the developing industry and different culture (which influence the consumers' behaviors a lot)
McCann WorldGroup
Mobile Monday Shanghaiinteresting
mTouche Technology Bhd
Phoenix New Media凤凰卫视?
PPLiveinteresting in its business model and league issues
Spil Games Asia
Thomson Reuters
Web Power
Zanox de AGsecond time in Adtech Chinese events, shows its ambition in Asia market obviousely.
Today's reading -- 29/08/2008
Online Markeing- Search
Yahoo, We Can’t Afford A Monopoly In Search Advertising Even If It Kills You
Posted: 27 Sep 2008 03:31 AM PDT
Yahoo and Google aren’t holding anything back in their effort to win our hearts minds in the search marketing war. Or rather, Yahoo’s surrender in that war as they prepare to include Google Adsense ads in their search results.
They had what amounted to a advertorial in the New York Times earlier this week. Google wrote not one but two blog posts on the matter, and launched a whole website with their side of the story. And today Yahoo President Sue Decker weighed in with a long blog post, with all the same arguments.
Microsoft, hoping to kill the deal, hasn’t been sitting quietly. They’ve got their own websites and have been lobbying the government for months to oppose the deal.
The deal allows but does not obligate Yahoo to place Google ads on their site instead of their own. Google and Yahoo stress that Yahoo is committed to keeping their own robust advertising platform to ensure long term competitiveness.
But the test results showed just how dramatically Yahoo can increase cash flow with Google ads. The more Google ads are shown, the more money Yahoo makes. And in a world where all that really matters is the financial results in your next fiscal quarter, the incentive to use more rather than fewer Google ads will be too large of a temptation.
Yahoo will be able to fine tune their financial results simply by turning up the volume on Google ads v. their own. Every time they do that they mortgage their future because they give more network power to Google’s ad system (advertisers want volume and will pay a premium for it). In other words, Yahoo will be making constant cost benefit decisions weighing short term cash flow v. long term competitiveness. Human nature and simple financial market psychology tells us unequivocally that cash will win and Yahoo’s ad network will lose.
Yahoo’s ad network will continue to erode further as they choose cash over competitiveness, creating a viscious downward cycle. As the fiscal quarters march relentlessly on, Yahoo will rely more and more on Google to make their revenue and earnings numbers.
There are three players in search today. In the long run the 80/20 rule is likely kick in unless a monopoly emerges. Microsoft needs to be that 20% player to keep the Internet healthy, just as AMD keeps Intel’s processor prices in check even though they don’t have much actual market share.
But if Google gets Yahoo, Microsoft won’t be able to be that counterbalance. And then Google will be free to charge monopoly prices to advertisers and share next to nothing of that revenue with publishers.
That’s why killing this deal is so important. It’s not about the share price of Google, Yahoo or Microsoft. It’s about maintaining a healthy Internet ecosystem that continues to let entrepreneurialism bloom.
My position on this has been steady since Microsoft first bid for Yahoo early this year. It’s destroyed my relationship with (the execs that remain at) Yahoo, and the chill is palpable during my few visits to Yahoo HQ these days. I can live with that, but what I don’t want to live with is an Internet where all the advertising revenue goes to one company. That sounds too much like the Windows/Office world of the 90s to me.
Yahoo, We Can’t Afford A Monopoly In Search Advertising Even If It Kills You
Posted: 27 Sep 2008 03:31 AM PDT
Yahoo and Google aren’t holding anything back in their effort to win our hearts minds in the search marketing war. Or rather, Yahoo’s surrender in that war as they prepare to include Google Adsense ads in their search results.
They had what amounted to a advertorial in the New York Times earlier this week. Google wrote not one but two blog posts on the matter, and launched a whole website with their side of the story. And today Yahoo President Sue Decker weighed in with a long blog post, with all the same arguments.
Microsoft, hoping to kill the deal, hasn’t been sitting quietly. They’ve got their own websites and have been lobbying the government for months to oppose the deal.
The deal allows but does not obligate Yahoo to place Google ads on their site instead of their own. Google and Yahoo stress that Yahoo is committed to keeping their own robust advertising platform to ensure long term competitiveness.
But the test results showed just how dramatically Yahoo can increase cash flow with Google ads. The more Google ads are shown, the more money Yahoo makes. And in a world where all that really matters is the financial results in your next fiscal quarter, the incentive to use more rather than fewer Google ads will be too large of a temptation.
Yahoo will be able to fine tune their financial results simply by turning up the volume on Google ads v. their own. Every time they do that they mortgage their future because they give more network power to Google’s ad system (advertisers want volume and will pay a premium for it). In other words, Yahoo will be making constant cost benefit decisions weighing short term cash flow v. long term competitiveness. Human nature and simple financial market psychology tells us unequivocally that cash will win and Yahoo’s ad network will lose.
Yahoo’s ad network will continue to erode further as they choose cash over competitiveness, creating a viscious downward cycle. As the fiscal quarters march relentlessly on, Yahoo will rely more and more on Google to make their revenue and earnings numbers.
There are three players in search today. In the long run the 80/20 rule is likely kick in unless a monopoly emerges. Microsoft needs to be that 20% player to keep the Internet healthy, just as AMD keeps Intel’s processor prices in check even though they don’t have much actual market share.
But if Google gets Yahoo, Microsoft won’t be able to be that counterbalance. And then Google will be free to charge monopoly prices to advertisers and share next to nothing of that revenue with publishers.
That’s why killing this deal is so important. It’s not about the share price of Google, Yahoo or Microsoft. It’s about maintaining a healthy Internet ecosystem that continues to let entrepreneurialism bloom.
My position on this has been steady since Microsoft first bid for Yahoo early this year. It’s destroyed my relationship with (the execs that remain at) Yahoo, and the chill is palpable during my few visits to Yahoo HQ these days. I can live with that, but what I don’t want to live with is an Internet where all the advertising revenue goes to one company. That sounds too much like the Windows/Office world of the 90s to me.
忘情西班牙 之 马德里篇
Day 1
飞机抵达马德里的机场Madrid Barajas International Airport前,只是看到大片黄色和褐色,而非期待的绿色菜田 -- 也许马德里乡下农业并不发达?走了3个terminal的路程才到达地铁站。马德里地铁倒是挺便捷:机场到市中心地铁不足半小时就到了,而且买的10次票可以两个人合用。只是如攻略提及的,西班牙小偷不少,地铁内10分钟不到,我的背包就背吉普赛同志们拉了两次。好在我在国内时练就了一身防盗本领,才免受其害。挂着一脸不高兴的同时,我开始意识到:西班牙和中国的相似度之高,由小偷开始,并待后话分解。
Gran Via
西语里V开头的字都发B,所以Gran Via读起来挺像哥伦比亚的。这个"哥伦比亚"位于马德里市中心最喧闹的地段,也是我们下榻之处。Gran Via 和 Sol 都是市中心主街和著名广场连接处,所以我们后来去三个著名的广场基本步行5-10分钟就ok。也很凑巧的--马德里的红灯一条街正在我们住的M大街上,警察局对面就是Sex Shop(不知道是夜总会还是真的是卖X的--恕我浅薄),算是“官民”一心吧 :P
马德里皇宫 Palacio Real
皇家马德里主场博纳乌Santiago Bernabéu Stadium
Vantas 斗牛场
晚饭--TAPAS。晚饭在sol附近一家很有当地特色的餐厅吃饭。不高档的餐厅,似乎更地道,味道也更正宗(虽然这点无从考证)。不懂西班牙语的我们指手画脚的向柜台点点,菜单点点,别人的餐桌点点,总算吃到了很多当地人吃的炸小鱿鱼,西班牙肉丸还有做法特殊的鱼。我用书上学来的quando es问价钱,人听不懂,后来同事说我说的是对的,估计那人没料到我爆句西班牙语所以没听懂:P
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