
Google/Youtube for Charity

Google/youtube starts charity program, which worked very well on World Water Day

Although Youtube Nonprofit is only available for Charities registered in UK and US, I am still confident in its future in Asia and Africa. 

In my view, Chinese NGOs should make use this marketing tool to expand their brand image, drive traffic to their sites. Therefore more people will know and then participate these charity campaigns, even make donation online. By creating a profile on Youtube, YouKu or other video sharing providers, posting Videos or presentations, and embedding to NGO's website, more people will get to know charity campaigns all around the world. They will subscribe, follow and participate eventually.

I am still thinking about the Nongjiale project I worked on 2 years ago. An improved model is forming in my mind. Hope I can work something out in a near future. 


Today's reading -- 数字游牧(Digital Nomads)

数字游牧(Digital Nomads) 是一种基于游牧主义分享主义的 未来生活方式,无论你身在何处,无论周边有任何情景,你都可以自由地与这个世界联接起来。你分享,有人会在远方接续呼应;你倾听,将有最佳的信息传递而 来。你如同参与到一个高阶的社会性大脑中参与共同思考,所以物理位置只作为一个参数,传统边界更将作朽物。每个人都将在新的方式下获得自身的最大化,生活 将无所困扰。

Digital Nomads is a future way of life based on Nomadism and Sharism. No matter where you are and what circumstances you are in, you are free to link up with the world. When you share, someone from afar would respond. When you listen, there will be the best information transmit. It is as if you are participating in collaborative thinking at a higher level of the social brain. Hence physical location is only a parameter and traditional boundaries will render as irrelevant. Everyone will be able to maximize themselves in this new way of life, and life will be worry-free.


由于目前国内 BLOG 系统鱼龙混杂,以及国内 IDC 环境的特殊原因等种种因素,促使我们来做这样一件事情,那就是帮更多的有价值的 BLOGGER 建立更加独立的 BLOG 平台。

在我们所致力推广的 BLOG 独立平台上,您再也不用接受 BSP 的审/查,再也不用担心你的言论会被某些部门阉割,从此你将真正畅游于网络海洋之中。


“数字游牧”计划采用开源或者广泛接受的 Blog 工具和主机服务,并支持更多最新的 Blog 技术,包括:

  • Blogger.com, Movable Type, WordPress
  • Dreamhost, Media Temple 等等
  • OpenID, Microformat 等等
  • Creative Commons