
10 AdWords Tips to Improve CTR, Improve Conversion and Drive Down Cost 68

10 AdWords Tips to Improve CTR, Improve Conversion and Drive Down Cost
By R P Chapman

In the current economy the pressure’s on to make our marketing budgets go further. You’ve already cut back everywhere you can think, but those sales targets aren’t getting any smaller. What else can you do to improve the ROI on your spend?

It’s time to look again at your AdWords campaign. The search market is competitive, ever changing, and your best opportunity for maximising the limited budget you have left to get the most sales you possibly can.

Considering the volatility of search, there’s always something you can do to improve your AdWords campaigns so you should consider these tips not only as a project to help you through a tough economic climate, but as an ongoing strategy for improving your budget ROI.

Top 10 AdWords Tips

  • Create Narrowly Focussed Ad Groups
    Particularly relevant when working on long tail terms, make sure your ad groups are narrowly focussed with each one being variations on a single keyword.
  • Test Conversion Before Making Volume Changes
    Use split testing (where you run the changed copy and the original in parallel) to make sure changes you’ve made are effective before rolling the change out where you have high volumes.
  • Keep Relevance High Through the Journey
    Make sure the Keyword searched for is highly relevant throughout the journey from search, to Ad, to Landing page so that the visitor feels more like they’ve found specifically what they were searching for, improving the possibility that they’ll convert greatly.
  • Don’t Follow the Crowd
    Just because everyone else is using the same tactic, doesn’t mean they’re right. If everyone else is advertising on price (as an example), test something different. Using something like a discount percentage or offer of free delivery will make your ad stick out from the crowd. Try a few variables (including a priced one in this example) and see which is really the most effective for you.
  • Continually Develop and Test New Ideas
    Even if you’ve found the perfect Ad for today doesn’t mean it will still be tomorrow. The market moves on, competitors copy each other, change their tactics, and so do the searchers. A good example of this might be the very poorly distributed Nintendo WII games. When there’s stock everywhere you’ll find these games advertised on price. When they’re scarce they’re advertised on availability. And so it follows with all products that are subject to supply and demand.
  • Use Negative Keywords Effectively
    Not used anywhere near as much as they should be, negative keywords can really push up your CTR by getting non customer searchers out of the mix right from the outset. An example here might be setting a negative on “free” if you’re trying to sell an e-book, getting rid of all those people looking for free e-books who were never going to buy your product anyway.
  • Keep Your AdWords Account Clean
    You really need to analyse and monitor your AdWords account on an ongoing basis to get the best performance out of it. If it’s awash with thousands of redundant keywords, spotting the things you need to concentrate on is harder. Get rid of zero impression keywords regularly to ensure you stay focussed on the data that matters.
  • The Misspelled Gold Mine
    Misspelled words can be a dream to your CTR scores. The competitive index of misspelled words is almost always lower than the correctly spelled version so you should really try and get every variant you can find. Look out for easy tricks like no spacing between words, common keyboard typos, etc.
  • Consider the Total Cost of Your Ad
    You should never forget your ad spend contributes directly to your cost of sale and if you’re forced to bid too much to get in the position you want to be, then it’s time to cut that ad and try some different strategies. Don’t lose sight of the profitability.
  • Continually Optimise Your Ad Copy
    How your ads are written is vitally important to how well they’ll convert and is a topic in its own right. See the related Writing Killer Adwords Ads for much more detail on this subject.

These AdWords tips should be used regularly to keep on top of your AdWords campaigns, so it’s worth revisiting them often to make sure you’re really getting the very most you can from your work here.

Top 10 Social Bookmarking Sites

Top 10 Social Bookmarking Sites

Top 10 Social Bookmarking Sites on the Web

Source: www.articleforfree.com

What are social bookmarking sites
? Basically, these are sites that allow users to post their favorite sites, using tags (or keywords) to categorize and organize them, then other users can take these bookmarks and add them to their own collection or share them with even more users. Here are top 10 social bookmarking sites on the Web - the sites that consistently deliver some of the best content you'll want to share, discover, and store.

1. del.icio.us
del.icio.us is a social bookmarking site that has rapidly taken off even more in popularity since being purchased by Yahoo. I use del.icio.us probably the most out of all these top picks, particularly to post interesting sites that I've found around the Web. I also subscribe to quite a few del.icio.us tags, such as popular and reference, and I get all the sites tagged with these keywords in my RSS reader of choice, Bloglines.

2. Digg.com
Digg is social bookmarking and social networking gone a little crazy due to the fact that anyone can submit a Digg (site), and then anyone can comment on those same Diggs. For me the most interesting feature of Digg has to actually be the comments on the sites and stories, since the Digg community is not shy about letting folks know how they feel about a particular Digg. Primarily focussed on geeky, technology-type items.

3. Reddit
Reddit is a social bookmarking Web site that works much like Furl and del.icio.us: you register a username and password, and then start submitting and sharing your bookmarks. Reddit is similar to del.icio.us in that users are encouraged to vote on the links and stories that they feel are deserving of being in the top dog spot: it’s kind of a popularity contest, so to speak.

4. Furl
Furl gives users the ability to save copies of any Web page, search within your own personal archive of Web pages, and share what you find. People use Furl to create their own personal shopping lists, real estate directories, job searches, student research papers, etc. This may just sound like a fancy way of saying bookmarks; but the thing about Furl is that you can access it from any computer, which means that your Favorites will go with you.

5. Clipmarks
With Clipmarks, you can clip the best parts of web pages. Whether it's a paragraph, sentence, image or video, you can capture just the pieces you want without having to bookmark the entire page.

6. StumbleUpon
The beauty of StumbleUpon, to my mind: you are able to take advantage of a vast network of dedicated Web searchers who are finding utterly brilliant sites and sharing them with you. I do have to warn you, though – StumbleUpon is an incredibly addicting way to search the Web. I found myself up till 1:30 AM one weekend, blearily clicking the Stumble! Button over and over again, because the quality of the sites are just so amazing; you just keep on coming across stuff that instantly merits a bookmark of your own.

7. Newsvine
At Newsvine, you can read stories from established media organizations like the Associated Press as well as individual contributors from all around the world. Placement of stories is determined by a multitude of factors including freshness, popularity, and reputation. Contribution is open to all, and editorial judgement is in the hands of the community.

8. Mixx
Mixx offers up an eclectic mix of all sorts of bookmarkable content; anything from videos to news to popular stories can be found here. Just pick a category and you'll be able to find lots of stuff that might merit a bookmark of your own.

9. Diigo
Diigo is one of my newest favorite Web tools. Not only can you use Diigo to save your favorite Web bookmarks, yalso ou can use Diigo to put sticky notes on websites, highlight stuff you like, comment, and more.

10. Propeller
The way Propeller works is very similar to other social bookmarking sites such as Digg or del.icio.us. Users find stories, submit them, and other Propeller users can vote and comment on those stories, with the most popular stories rising to the top.


What is Social Enterprises

Instead of establishing a NGO, my friend Boom build a social enterprises easily.

What is Social Enterprises? Wikipedia rocks again:

Social enterprises are social mission driven organizations which trade in goods or services for a social purpose. Their aim to accomplish targets that are social and environmental as well as financial is often referred to as having a triple bottom line. Social enterprises are profit-making businesses set up to tackle a social or environmental need. They often use blended value business models that combine a revenue-generating business with a social-value-generating structure or component.

Rather than maximising shareholder value, their main aim is to generate profit to further their social and environmental goals. Therefore some commentators describe them as 'not-for-profit' as their profits are not (at least primarily) distributed to financial investors. Others dislike the term as it suggests they have an unbusinesslike attitude.

about TBL triple bottome line: people, planet, profit
In John Elkington 's 1998 book Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business, TBL means economic, ecological and social.


Google’s market share

Get this infor about how much market share that Google has in each market. It is interesting to see Google has under 30% share in China, Japan, South Korea, Hongkong and Ruassia. It seems Language matters.

Country Market Share Date Research Institute Source
Argentina 89.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Australia 87.81% Jun-08 Hitwise http://www.hitwise.com/press-center/hitwiseHS2004/us-google-70-percent-of-searches.php
Austria 88.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Belgium 96.00% Mar-09 comScore?
Brazil 89.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Bulgaria 80.00% Dec-07 Multilingual search http://www.e3internet.com/downloads/global-search-report-2007.pdf
Canada 78.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts—google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Chile 93.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts—google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
China 26.60% Oct-08 iResearch http://www.search-engine-feng-shui.com/parts-de-marche/
Colombia 91.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts—google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Czech Republic 34.50% Mar-09 http://vyhledavace.chose.cz/
Denmark 92.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Estonia 53.37% Jul-08 Gemius SA http://www.search-engine-feng-shui.com/parts-de-marche/
Finland 92.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
France 91.23% Feb-09 AT Internet Institute http://www.xitimonitor.com/fr-fr/barometre-des-moteurs/barometre-des-moteurs-fevrier-2009/index-1-1-6-163.html
Germany 93.00% Mar-08 http://linkspiel.de/index.php/marktanteil-google-in-deutschland-bei-93.html
Hong Kong 26.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Hungary 96.00% Aug-08 http://netkutatasok.blogspot.com/2008/08/gemiustraffic-internethasznlati-adatok.html
Iceland 51.00% Dec-07 http://www.search-engine-feng-shui.com/parts-de-marche/
India 81.40% Aug-08 comScore http://www.comscore.com/press/release.asp?press=2400
Ireland 76.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Israel 80.00% 2007 http://www.searchengineoptimizationcompany.ca/seoblog/World%20Wide%20Web/search-engines/worldwide-search-engine-market-share-part-1/05012009
Italy 90.00% Feb-09 http://www.nicsrl.it/blog/il-mercato-online-italiano-e-google/
Japan 38.20% Jan-09 Nielsen/NetRatings http://www.ojobuscador.com/2009/03/10/yahoo-mantiene-su-popularidad-sobre-google-en-japon/
Korea, South 3.00% 2009 http://www.economist.com/business/displayStory.cfm?story_id=13185891&source=hptextfeature
Latvia 97.95% Jul-08 Gemius SA http://www.search-engine-feng-shui.com/parts-de-marche/
Lithuania 98.18% Aug-08 Gemius SA http://www.gemius.com/pl/archives/2008-08-22/01
Malaysia 51.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts—google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Mexico 88.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Netherlands 95.00% Dec-08 http://www.checkit.nl/nationalesearchenginemonitor.html
New Zealand 72.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts—google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Norway 81.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Poland 95.00% Q4 2008 Gemius SA http://pliki.gemius.pl/Raporty/2009/02_2009_Polski_internet_2008_2009.pdf
Portugal 94.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Puerto Rico 57.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Romania 95.21% Mar-09 statcounter.com http://gs.statcounter.com/?PHPSESSID=44a19a42c7ac4cc34b71adb6e3a54f50&chart_type=line&statType=Search+Engine&statType_hidden=search_engine&region=Romania&region_hidden=RO#search_engine-RO-daily-20080701-20090314
Russia 32.00% Jan-08 Spylog http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Singapore 57.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts—google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Slovakia 75.60% Dec-07 http://www.search-engine-feng-shui.com/parts-de-marche/
Spain 93.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Sweden 80.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Switzerland 93.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Taiwan 18.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/
Ukraine 72.42% Feb-09 Bigmir-Internet http://i.bigmir.net/index/UAnet_global_report_022009.pdf
United Kingdom 90.39% Dec-08 Hitwise http://www.search-engine-feng-shui.com/parts-de-marche/
United States 63.30% Feb-09 comScore http://www.comscore.com/press/release.asp?press=2750
United States 72.11% Feb-09 Hitwise http://www.mediapost.com/publications/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=101971
Venezuela 93.00% Jan-08 comScore http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/03/18/the-web-in-charts%E2%80%94google-vs-microsoft-yahoo-vs-china/




但我无法同意你这一篇blog所写的,因为你一篇blog抹杀了整个online marketing行业。而这个行业,在英美已经相当成熟,每天drive着千百万收入(保守的说),在中国刚开始发展的行业。本人不才,却也在本行业欧洲最大的公司里做了那么一小段时间,自认为有点说话权。
首先,网络广告就的形式,除了你能看到的那些text link,静态或flash的banner以外,还有很多形式,比如现在用的很好的product feed,search box(在travel行业广为应用,已经是必不可少的工具了),contextral link(很可能今后是twitter广告盈利的主要工具之一)。而更多的方式也在被挖掘,更好的融合在2.0的网站里,同时对1.0向下兼容。
1.blog。blog的确在很多国家不好做,像您说的,都是google adwords。不过blog在欧洲某一两个国家(以及我在我会写点东西说这它在这些国家怎么应用,写好了发链接给你)
2.SNS.facebook,linkedin,myspace是我关注下做的比较好的,对于我以上说的广告应用比较广。除了对最常见的各种banner应用很好以外,对简单的product feed也可以支持,对contextral link就更是无缝应用了

affiliate marketing 联署营销
Campaign, display marketing



Tripadvisor Launch Chinese domain today -- daodao.com


知道这个网站还是因为它是我们公司的大 affiliate之一,第一印象是这年头咋这类型的网站这么多,在expedia,lastminute,cheapfights的笼罩之下居然成活的 还挺好。后来才从其他国家的同事那了解到,在瑞士等国家,人做的还挺好的,还是我们top5的affiliate,牛哄哄的。

1. 经济危机影响?经济危机都这么严重了,cost都cut成那样了,还死活砸钱到亚洲市场。过去一年多,我是亲眼见到所有travel行业的 affiliate program业绩刷刷刷往下掉的。performance base的都这样,那些为提高品牌知名度的cpc cpm就更别说了。
2. 直入大陆。大多数欧洲和美国公司都会从日本入手,然后香港新加坡台湾,然后大陆。让人tripadvisor还不走寻常路,直接来大陆市场拓展,难道真是 看好中国市场了?今天还看到E-Marker的一片调研报告,说整个09年广告投入增长预测被调整,US下降到-9.8%,UK下降到-7.1%(我还留 在这干嘛),而China也从10.9%下降到4.6%。无论如何,asia市场还算是不错的,也许基于这个原因,人才继续着向亚洲扩展的步伐吧。
3. 国内市场竞争。国内携程,elong,去哪儿做的各有特色,这个daodao该这么做?国际路线和国内路线双管齐下吗?国内旅游部分怎么和这些domestic的大头竞争呢?我不知道。我挽起袖子看好戏。
4。发展与增长。tripadvisor,或者daodao这样的发展,光靠organic的增长,盈利点似乎比较传统而单一,往往依靠别的方式。我好奇 它在国内如何做affililiate,会加入哪个network。 Zenox?OMG? 阿里妈妈?其他?我看好国内的affilaite marketing趋势,但始终认为它处在一个在摇篮的阶段。我不知道Zenox在国内做的怎样,恐怕affiliation不是主攻?但作为欧洲业界老 大的我们,迟迟不进大陆做affiliation的原因还是很多。 但有一点肯定,有tripadvisor这样的跨国affiliate进入国内,对整个affiliation的发展来说还是相当的好事 :)



Google/Youtube for Charity

Google/youtube starts charity program, which worked very well on World Water Day

Although Youtube Nonprofit is only available for Charities registered in UK and US, I am still confident in its future in Asia and Africa. 

In my view, Chinese NGOs should make use this marketing tool to expand their brand image, drive traffic to their sites. Therefore more people will know and then participate these charity campaigns, even make donation online. By creating a profile on Youtube, YouKu or other video sharing providers, posting Videos or presentations, and embedding to NGO's website, more people will get to know charity campaigns all around the world. They will subscribe, follow and participate eventually.

I am still thinking about the Nongjiale project I worked on 2 years ago. An improved model is forming in my mind. Hope I can work something out in a near future. 


Today's reading -- 数字游牧(Digital Nomads)

数字游牧(Digital Nomads) 是一种基于游牧主义分享主义的 未来生活方式,无论你身在何处,无论周边有任何情景,你都可以自由地与这个世界联接起来。你分享,有人会在远方接续呼应;你倾听,将有最佳的信息传递而 来。你如同参与到一个高阶的社会性大脑中参与共同思考,所以物理位置只作为一个参数,传统边界更将作朽物。每个人都将在新的方式下获得自身的最大化,生活 将无所困扰。

Digital Nomads is a future way of life based on Nomadism and Sharism. No matter where you are and what circumstances you are in, you are free to link up with the world. When you share, someone from afar would respond. When you listen, there will be the best information transmit. It is as if you are participating in collaborative thinking at a higher level of the social brain. Hence physical location is only a parameter and traditional boundaries will render as irrelevant. Everyone will be able to maximize themselves in this new way of life, and life will be worry-free.


由于目前国内 BLOG 系统鱼龙混杂,以及国内 IDC 环境的特殊原因等种种因素,促使我们来做这样一件事情,那就是帮更多的有价值的 BLOGGER 建立更加独立的 BLOG 平台。

在我们所致力推广的 BLOG 独立平台上,您再也不用接受 BSP 的审/查,再也不用担心你的言论会被某些部门阉割,从此你将真正畅游于网络海洋之中。


“数字游牧”计划采用开源或者广泛接受的 Blog 工具和主机服务,并支持更多最新的 Blog 技术,包括:

  • Blogger.com, Movable Type, WordPress
  • Dreamhost, Media Temple 等等
  • OpenID, Microformat 等等
  • Creative Commons




浪潮之巅第十四章 科技公司的吹鼓手:投资银行(前言)



1. Cost本来就不是很低也很难cut的公司,硬生生的被CEO宣布要大幅度减少cost,特别是travel和招聘。好,一个本来就要与client打交道争取更多业务另一方面充分了解客户需求的模式,只能通过细细电话线长长Email list维系,如何提高服务水平?I doubt。业务量不断的增加,职位却不能增加;甚至在人员流失的情况下都不补充血液,不难想象在没有Pay Rise没有promotion的情况下员工爆发的那一天。
2. 经济危机让客户的Online budget大大减少,业务精度却不可能减少一分。在现有有限的人力资源的情况下,又怎么能做出更好的服务和更新的模式?I doubt。

业务能力,员工素质与情绪,实际收益Margin, cost与profit的同时降低,更加无法满足投资者的要求,等等等等,进入一个恶性循环



relax in snow, tired in work, proud of CHINA!

relax in snow, tired in work, proud of CHINA!
生活总是起伏不定, 感情也如此


咱温宝宝果然不是盖的,你爱说说,我笑着让你说完我强调下中英友好,那镇定和反映才是咱国家领导人的素质呢!相比之下猪头布什只会傻笑,跟弱智儿童一样。人大冷天还跑China town慰问咱留英同胞呢,这世界哪国总理能做到这地步!下大雪伦敦交通瘫痪,他照走不误,这才是国家领导人的风范和毅力!





Windows 7 初用笔记

终于下载并装好Windows 7 Beta,小用一下,爽!






1。 界面

1。1 桌面,屏保,主题


1。2 导航栏

非常向Apple Dock靠拢的设计,很好用。左下角显示正在使用的application,鼠标移到application上便自动显示这个application有多少窗口/标签。如IE,会显示现在有多少个IE窗口/标签打开,移开则隐去。进一步的把鼠标移动到某一个窗口/标签,便显示其内容,移开则隐去。更妙的是,当显示鼠标移至窗口时,窗口下层已经打开的窗口则虚化(注意下图显示窗口右方的透明窗口哦,就是已经打开的窗口虚化隐身),鼠标移至别处时,已打开窗口恢复正常显示。这样移来隐去,加上鼠标点击的减少,让窗口preview和切换非常方便。大赞一个!


1。3 菜单栏的跳转功能


快速启动栏中图标的Jump List弹出菜单可以实现许多相关功能,这点让它更容易被用户误认为是运行中的程序。但在开始菜单左侧的常用软件一栏中,Jump List就相当实用。比如,当用鼠标指向Word程序时右侧会显示最近打开的Word文档,指向IE时会显示最近打开的页面,指向Windows Live Messenger则会显示一系列相关应用。

(source: Windows7爱好者 http://www.windows7fans.com.cn/,original from 驱动之家)

1。4 文件夹管理 Library


主要是在导航栏里强调Favorite, 增加Homegroup。这个homegroup为何物,还没怎么研究。但导航栏增加这些感觉有点累赘,尽添些不是很使用的东西,不过这就是微软一向的风格吧。


2。 新增和自带软件的加强

2。1 新增的好玩用处:


2。2 Burn everywhere


2。3 Win7 一方面删除了些不必要的软件(如Msn和windows movie maker的旧版本,将新版本移至Windows Live, 虽未真正实现Web化,却减少了Win系统冗余,又促进用户对Web Application的支持和实际使用度),另一方面对本身自带的一些软件都有很好的加强。其中写字板Wordpad 和 画图板Paint 就是很好的例子:

A. Wordpad

新版的Wordpad简直就是简易版的小小MS Word! 基本的编辑功能一应俱全,而且与其他软件的互通性也被增强,从画图的button上可以直接打开。菜单的选择也很精心,甚至在快捷栏里加入了Subscript 和Supercript. 这样的Wordpad足以满足普通需要,根本不需要功能强大的word。

只可惜不能存成.doc or .docx,当然也不能打开word文档,会乱码 -- 微软还是不尽余力的要让大家买正版Office滴,钱不能少赚啊!





3。1 Windows Msn messenger:

装了Msn9,附带movie maker什么的一箩筐。这个自然没问题,否则不是自己打自己耳光吗。不过我在安装时的确出现问题:第一次安装不成功,原因不详;第二次顺利安装成功。说到windows live系列,还有一大堆可以讲的,以后另外开篇讲。

3。2 WinRAR,

windows下必备的解压缩软件,大致没什么问题,只是安装后第一次解压缩文件并不能打开,需要open-select program-WinRar 并记住选择才行。之后的运行还没发现问题。.osi文件能被系统自动识别为Dist image file,而非如以前那样显示和zip文件一样的图标。

3。3 Adobe Acrobat Reader 8


不知道professional 的版本会不会有问题。

3。4 Google 拼音


4。 Windows Media center


5。Sidebar and Gargeds







Knocking on heaven's door

Am I stupid? Am I fool? Why can't I knock out the new tech world's door?

1. Windows 7
I thought I could install it today but:
1.1 can not move it to removal hard disk -- on apple it shows this item is can not been modified
1.2 can not burn it with Toast -- shows error - 50 connection not stable
1.3 can not zip it and copy to hard disk -- can not use betterzip to zip it
so i have to download it on Vista again

2. Apple
still do not know how to use it!

not happy